The Gyokko Ryu school is at the core of the study of the Bujinkan teachings as it builds much of the foundations to the art. At IBDA we study this school in-depth along with the hanbo of Kukishinden Ryu for 2nd degree Black Belt.
Gyokko Ryu - Jeweled Tiger School (known by many other names in history) is perhaps the oldest martial school of Japan. For me it is the most fascinating and contains the true foundations of the Bujinkan (Divine Warrior) training. It has it all in regards to learning and studying and applying the life of warrior. In times of old you lived the life and it was not just a training that you did two nights a week. Personal development, Body conditioning, Eating holistically, Spiritual development, mental concentration, Taijutsu and Weapons training like the sword was daily living. To me this is the Ultimate way of being a Divine Warrior.
At IBDA, the Shodan material was crafted over 7 years during and after many trips to Japan, as the best possible overview of the 9 Bujinkan Schools Taijutsu, techniques, principles and weapons. I did this to provide you with a deep foundation so that you then could study the individual schools. Most Bujinkan students have just learned a mix of wazas from each school and have never really spent a couple years ONLY studying one school at a time. Many of the Bujinkan schools are COMPLETE systems by themselves. If you ever take the time to study one school in depth, THIS IS THE SCHOOL. Why? because it is the foundation to the rest of the schools that came later.
I you really learn this school with the knowledge of where the postures really came from, the proper IN/YO magnetic force principle in the WAZA exchange, why the mudras (and how to develop that energy), the Meditation and proper root locks, the methods of the San Shin and Kihon Happo then you will never come close to moving like Soke Hatsumi and in my opinion you will never really learn the Bujinkan methods at a high level.
You may learn to be a great fighter but that is only one part of the Divine Warrior path.
The Gyokko Ryu school is at the core of the study of the Bujinkan teachings as it builds much of the foundations to the art. At IBDA we study this school in-depth along with the hanbo of Kukishinden Ryu for 2nd degree Black Belt. FYI, I have been studying Budo for almost 60 years and the Bujinkan for over 40 and I still study this particular school deeply and love it.
Learn the Gyokko Ryu Wazas Step-by-Step!
Learn the Kukishinden Ryu Hanbo wazas Step-by-Step!
Learn the Kanji Strokes for all the Gyokko Ryu waza.
2 Years of training - averages just $14 month.
- ONLINE DOJO GYOKKO RYU COURSE at has everything, even the manual in PDF's. Additional teachings added to the portal are yours for life.
- PHYSICAL BINDER COURSE (mailed WITHOUT disks UNLESS you choose that Option - See Below) includes 263 PAGES of a MASTER Blueprint for studying the Gyokko Ryu School.
Training Course Manual has written and photo waza instruction that matches matching the Video lessons, plus it teaches you how to write the kanji strokes for each Gyokko Ryu waza names!
What's Inside the Nidan Course Binder and ONLINE Video Lessons Package? |
When you enroll in a Bushindo University Course YOU GET BOTH the PHYSICAL COURSE BINDER MANUAL (with disks - unless you choose the option to add them - See Below!) and the ONLINE DOJO COMPLETE VIDEO/MANUAL TRAINING at Portal, so that you will Always have the latest teachings for life!
Again, you get the ONLINE DOJO TRAINING that has all the video lessons and manual pdf's viewable on any computer and on the Phone/Tablet App PLUS you will be mailed the PHYSICAL COURSE BINDER( NO disks will be sent) so that you can hold that in your hands to read it, make notes, and add additional related studies to the Course Binder.
Your huge Advantage is that Doshi (and shihan Instructors) can easily add additional lesson footage directly to your Online Training Course in minutes. You will always have the latest training. Plus you can ask questions on Any lesson the training in the study portal. Doshi is really excited about being able to add to your training with ease - this is not possible with DVDs.
FYI, Our ONLINE programs at Bushindo University have always been up to date, including PDF's of the Manuals and has had more information in it due to the remastering of and lack of desire for DVD’s by some students.
ONLINE training still costs the University money to run everything as much as the printed material . Most everyone loves to hold the manuals in their hands, including me. SO NOW YOU GET BOTH.
Your Binder will be mailed and you will be given access in the Bushindo University Dojo Online Portal.
MORE TRAINING WILL ALWAYS BE ONLINE- as it is easier to Add!!!
2 Years of training - averages just $14- month. We know that while most computers do not even have DVD drives anymore you may want the DVDs also. So we will provide that for awhile. Choose your best Course Option Below.